This is very important and very profound.Thank you!!!!Modupe!

. I am a nonfiction writer, who is looking towards “magical realism” and nonlinearity in my writing. So far I have looked towards surrealism. Grief is coming up as a central axis in my storytelling. I’m also an Orisha priest largely moved into that realm after the loss of my mother and younger brother. I may end up quoting you. Your theory may be the Rosetta Stone I have been looking for. Let me know if you’d like to be in communication. More of my things are on my Stack: the Creative Calabash.

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This comment was so bolstering, it literally makes me tear up. So much of what I want to do is build concepts that uplift other people’s imaginations and world building. Thank you. Absolutely, let’s get in touch!

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This is such a cool idea, it's got me thinking!

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the concept of flashbulb moments: moments in time that create a collective memory in people who experienced it. Usually these are traumatic moment. The example I often heard in classes would be watching the twin towers fall, but there's a ton of other examples.

With grief as a planar concept, would a flashbulb memory/moment be a targeted point in time when planar grief slips into the ribs of our dimension?

Also by this concept would there be a difference between collective grief and individual grief?

Again, I really enjoyed this, thank you for sharing this concept!

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Returning to this, I realize that the flashbulb is def my intention! In my universe, there’s a national event traumatizing a large almost universal population. The additional fallout is the lack of resources and awareness for supporting outlets of grief and reparative healing. There’s really big two fb moments initiating my storyline; I should spend some time differentiating the impacts between them and the slipping grief plane’s reaction, thanks L.L! Olivia

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This sounds so interesting!

Always love to hear your thoughts, Olivia! Thanks for coming back to this! I can't wait to see more from you! 🤙🏽

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I haven’t heard of this concept before! That’s really interesting thing to include. And i should def untangle individual and collective grief more

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Wheeeew this is so beautiful ♥️🙌🏿 thank you

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I’m excited to work with this concept some more! Been talking non-linearity with folks and I think it’ll open up some more doors to these questions:)

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